Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A New Toy...

'Toy' is extremely relative, because a toy to some would be a new car, to others it would be a boat, but to me... well, the treasures I truly love are not usually big, but small enough that I can retreat with them into my own space and create little pieces of my imagination.

So, when the idea of a making buttons for party favors at Remi's upcoming birthday popped into my head, I went out and got me the cutest little button machine. And of course, I have already started thinking of all the sweet little goodies I can make!

Although, being a stay at home mom has been a gift I will cherish forever, I still have an intense need to imagine, create and make things with my hands. This little toy has a very special spot on a shelf in my office and as you can see, we have already broken it in!

Of course, Remi was extremely excited to learn how to make buttons, so after showing him the pieces and how to do everything just right, he was a pro. Roen didn't quite get it, but no worries there because Remi felt very important showing Roen how to do everything. Remi had a blast and probably made about 30 buttons!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Cool! So your "toy" became our toy! You are such a good momma. I bet Remi was in heaven. Can't wait to see the buttons for Remi's party.