Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Christmas Morning...

Christmas morning began early... as it always does. Remi is always the first up where he quickly sneaks into our room to wake me up. Roen is never far behind. Once we get Daddy out of bed, make a cup a of coffee- tea for me - we get our cameras ready, and in come the boys.

Running, rounding the corner, with smiles that make me feel like a kid all over again.

These are the very best years. Where the boys are big enough to make a list, but still small enough to believe in the magic of Christmas.

Remi is always first in, but Roen is never far behind

At the very top of the boy's lists were kayaks...

I have a video of them running out to see if maybe, just maybe, Santa left something outside, where Remi screams with pure happiness!! These are angler kayaks, with pedal steering, and they cannot wait to get them out to the lake!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

This is my favorite post! It’s as if the boys come to life in the pictures. Pure magic! I can’t wait to see them on the lake in their kayaks. Kinda surprised they didn’t try them out in the pool. Lots of wonderful memories! Love you all!