Thursday, May 30, 2024

On The Day Roen Turned 13...

For him, life is just a big ole social event, looking for another course to golf, another buddy to hang with and another day to find fun. 

And so, it was only fitting that on the day Roen turned 13, not only was it Mother's Day, but it was also the UA Iron Horse golf tournament! A wet and cold, golf tournament! He ended up shooting a 79, placing 1st on the front 9 and 2nd on the back 9! I'd say that was a pretty perfect way to kick off his teen years! As soon as the tournament ended, we took the birthday boy to dinner at Mi Cocina and then every boy's dream... Bass Pro Shop! Oh, the fun these three had picking out lures, line, and everything in between! When we got back home he had just as much fun, organizing his tackle box! This day celebrated our golfing fisherman pretty perfectly and there is no one I would rather share Mother's Day with than this fun-having boy!

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At 13, Roen has a care-free energy that makes being with him easy and fun. He goes with the flow, and can be happy doing almost anything! He is goofy, finds humor in everything and often finds it easier to giggle than talk. 

Roen is avoids conflict, drama and starts each day with rose-colored glasses. 

He has a hair routine that puts mine to shame, has more cologne than I have perfume and puts the upmost care into what he wears! 

He loves mac-n-cheese, chips and Julios salsa, brownies, apple juice, chicken strips, buffalo wings, salad with extra ranch, and cheeseburgers!

To this day, Roen will still come get in our bed during a storm and is the first to take Micah's side of the bed when he is out of town! 

He struggles discipling Benny in any way because it is just not his nature. 

He is our morning bird and has no problem with going to bed early and getting his rest. 

There are really only two times you will see Roen in a mood and the most common is when he is HANGRY. When the boy needs food, he needs it ASAP! He can go from happy camper to T Rex in the blink of an eye. And don't even think about pulling up at church without making a donut stop first! The other time Roen will let his little temper flare is when he has just had enough. He has some serious boundaries that lay dormant, until they don't. He thrives in positive environments and seems to make sure his people and relationships are conducive to that. 

Roen is happiest when he is moving. He doesn't sit still for long and loves all things sports and outdoors! He is competitive and craves preforming at his best no matter what that may be. 

Roen is humble. This is probably one of my favorite qualities about him. After he finishes up a round of golf, I never know if it was the best round of his life or the worse. He isn't one to toot his own horn, he isn't a gloater, and doesn't run his mouth- best of all, he is pretty great at staying in his own lane 

During the last week of school, one of Roen's teachers/coaches wrote him a note that I found pretty inspiring. One of the things it said was, "... you are also a natural leader by example. Others look to you for strength and approval. Huge responsibility, don't take it lightly." I always thought Roen would be our little follower because of his gentle nature and peace-maker tendencies. However, the older he has gotten, I am seeing more and more that he is becoming a confident little leader who, though not perfect, has a pretty great set of morals and always tries to do what is right!

Roen truly wakes up happy and goes to bed happy. He lives life finding the fun, seeing the good and surrounding himself with as many friends as he can. I love the space Roen takes up in our family, balancing us all out and inspiring us to find joy in the big things, of course, but also the little things! That saying about too many chiefs and not enough Indians.... well, Roen is our wild little Indian, just running free, a hootin' and a hollerin'!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

A perfect Birthday celebration!! And as only a mother can do…you described him to a tee! As I read about his giggle, I could hear it! Just so cute!! May “13” be one of your best years ever!! Keep marching on and dreaming BIG!!! Love y’all 😘