Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Certified Boater...

Just before school let out, Remi decided he wanted to get his boater's license. So, he is now officially certified to drive watercraft in the sate of Texas! He also passed his test to get his secondary license for our private lake. 

He has now spent a good chunk of his time out on the jet ski fishing and giving his friends/brother rides around the lake. As of last week, we are also the new owners of a cute little fishing boat.... that very next morning, the boys were up at 5:15, packing a bag and out on the water by sunrise! And rarely a day goes by that they aren't out on the boat as soon as they can get there!

We made them take a test run with us to make sure they knew the ins and outs of all the controls and were able to get the boat back into the slip before handing the keys over. So far, Remi has done a fantastic job at playing captain!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

STOP ✋…. the next one will be a license to drive a car!! Slow down time…please!! This is awesome and you can tell by Remi’s expressions that he takes this responsibility very seriously. Great job! It’s a cute fishing boat…probably not how they would describe it 😂. Captain and his first mate are in heaven! To get up at 5:15am to fish…they were beyond excited!! Their teamwork on getting it in the boat slip…looks perfect!! Love all the pics!! Love y’all 😘