Monday, October 8, 2012

Nasty and Gross...

So the other day, I was reading when I heard Roen wake up from his nap. He will usually hop around and talk to himself for about 20 minutes before I go get him. Today, this was a HUGE mistake!

As I walk into his room, I notice it looks like he has been eating a fudge brownie in his crib! However, one whiff and I realized it was NOT a brownie it was a poopie!

It was up his back, in his hair, on his neck on the railings, all over his blankets, his clothes, his face, his feet, his hands, and the worst part (oh it does get worse)...

All over Puppy...which he likes to suck on! You guessed it, all over his face and in his mouth!!! YUCK! I literally did not know what to do!! It was one of those times that I needed 10 hands! Needless to say, I went straight to bathroom and he went straight to the tub... clothes, diaper, Puppy and all!

If you remember WAY back, this also happened to Remi! Click here to read about that story!

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