Friday, July 26, 2024

Holiday Hills NTJGT...

This tournament had us way over in Mineral Wells! Because it is such a trek, we stayed the night before to make our super early tee times a bit easier. 

Roen walked away with a 1st Place medal and Remi with 2nd. These tournaments are all solo, so it's a bit of a learning curve for Roen who is used to having Micah right by his side. He may not be scoring as well as he would like, but it sure is good for them both to gain this independence.... especially Remi with HS golf just weeks away!

The last picture is of Roen taking notes in his new little golf journal... so cute!

Roen: 85

Remi: 95

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Way to go boys!! 👏🏻👏🏻 Going solo is a different experience, I’m sure! Kinda like taking the training wheels off the bike. But a great confidence builder. Sure a good looking group of young guys. Pretty cool that Ro is journaling. Thanks again for sharing their summer golf schedule. The killer was that Remi will start HS golf in just a few weeks! How can that be?!?
Love y’all! 😘